Jamuna’s Story

35-year-old Jamuna Acharya didn’t earn enough money farming to feed her family, or to pay for things like medication or education for her two sons.

Jamuna made a living in Chitwan, Nepal by growing and selling rice, mustard seed, and vegetables at the local market.
But she didn’t have the technical agricultural knowledge to grow more and keep her crops safe from pests, and didn’t know where to get answers to her questions.
Jamuna started visiting her local library – the Tarauli READ Center. She joined an agricultural group there to learn new skills through trainings from experts. Next, she learned how to use a computer for the first time, so she could learn more about agriculture on the Internet.
Today, Jamuna regularly uses the free computer access at the Center to look up answers to her questions on agriculture through a web portal created by READ Global and Practical Answers.
“The web portal has made my life much easier. It has a collection of resources and useful information,” She says. “I got answers to my questions about rice paddy and mustard farming, and it helped me grow more.”
Jamuna was able to grow almost double the amount of rice within one year, and significantly more mustard seed and vegetables.
For the first time, she didn’t have to buy crops to feed her family; instead, she earned a profit selling her own food at market.

Source : Read Global